Impossible 10

By safekidgames

Game Description

Impossible 10 is a logic-puzzle game where the goal is to reach 10 by merging number blocks. Tap on a group of neighboring blocks with the same number to merge them into one. Each time you merge a group, the number increases. Keep going until you reach the number 10 to score big points.

Game Instructions

To play Impossible 10, select the “TAP TO CONTINUE” button. Then press the play arrow button in the center of the screen. After reading the game instructions, select the arrow button to move to the next page. At the end of the instructions, tap the “I got it” button to begin.

When the game starts, find a grouping of two or more blocks with the same number. Tap or click the grouping to select the blocks. Once selected, tap again to merge the blocks. Keep merging blocks with the goal of reaching 10. If you reach 10, you’ll earn big points and the next board will begin! However, if you run out of possible combinations before reaching 10, its game over.