Pin Solver

By safekidgames

Game Description

Pin Solver is a super fun and challenging logic game. Solve the puzzle by guessing four digit pins. Each number you guess correct will display a green line below the number. Keep guessing until you solve the puzzle or run out of time. Are you up for the challenge?

Game Instructions

To play the game Pin Solver, begin by pressing the “Start” button. When the game loads, enter any four digit pin of your choosing.

For numbers that you guess correctly, a green line will show beneath them. If you correctly guess a number but it is not in the correct position, a yellow line will be shown. For incorrect numbers, a grey line will display.

Continue guessing four digit pins while taking into account numbers that you guessed correctly on previous attempts. Keep guessing until you solve the puzzle or run out of time.

You got this! It’s game time.